dragonos: console tool: airspy_adsb

dragonos: console tool: airspy_adsb

A full review of this was not conducted as  one would require the specific AirSpy receivers from: https://itead.cc/airspy/

  • Program is located in dragonOS at /usr/src/airspy_adsb
  • Github page is located at here
  • This is more of a commerical grade product as it will build a 'Beast' protocol at port 30000 which commerical sites like flight24radar.com would receive and collate data to produce maps.
  • A generic simple text one that works with any receiver is here

Commands are as:

A High Performance ADSB/Mode-S decoder for Airspy
 -s <serial_number>         Device serial number
 -t <timeout>               Aircraft timeout in seconds (default: 60)
 -g <rf_gain>               RF gain: 0..21 or auto (default: auto)
 -f <bits>                  Forward Error Correction (FEC) bits (default: 1)
 -e <preamble_filter>       Preamble filter : 1..60 (default: 4)
 -C <target>                CPU processing time target (percentage): 5..95 (default: disabled) (adjusts preamble filter while running)
 -E <max_preamble_filter>   Maximum preamble filter when using CPU target 1..60 (default: 60)
 -P <non_crc_preamble_filter> non-CRC Preamble filter: 1..preamble_filter (default: disabled)
 -w <whitelist_threshold>   Whitelist threshold: 1..20 (default: 5)
 -c <host>:<port>[:format]  Add a Push Client
 -l <port>[:format]         Add a Listener
 -m <mlat_freq>             MLAT frequency in MHz: 12, 20 or 24 (Airspy R2 only)
 -n                         Enable Verbatim mode
 -x                         Enable DX mode
 -r                         Reduce the IF bandwidth to 4 MHz
 -R <rssi_mode>             RSSI mode: snr (ref = 42 dB), rms (default: rms)
 -D <comma separated list or "none">  ignore these DF types (default: 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31)
 -b                         Enable Bias-Tee
 -p                         Enable Bit Packing
 -v                         Verbose mode
 -h                         Display this help screen
Available output formats:
 * AVR        - Raw AVR format
 * AVR-STRICT - Raw AVR format with only CRC valid frames
 * ASAVR      - Raw Airspy AVR format
 * Beast      - Raw Beast Binary format
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