docker: busybox: Tiny Image Server

Build a tiny image server inside a Busybox Container for nice little niche serving applets.

docker: busybox: Tiny Image Server

Create a directory

mkdir docker_busybox
cd docker_busybox
mkdir images

Inside the images directory put ALL your server objects. Then create your 'Dockerfile'

nano Dockerfile


FROM busybox:1.35
RUN adduser -D static
USER static
WORKDIR ./images
COPY images .
CMD ["busybox", "httpd", "-f", "-v", "-p", "3000"]

Now build it.

docker build -t static:latest .

And you can stand it up as:

docker run -d --init --restart unless-stopped --name static -p 3000:3000 static:latest

Moving your mini-server:

docker save <container> -o file.tar

Once moved it can be reloaded with:

docker load --input file.tar

It will be visible as an image:

docker images

Another example: docker-compose.yml

Create your volume:

docker volume create --name=pdf

And the docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.9"

    image: busybox
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: busybox
      - 3000:3000
      - pdf:/pdf/
    command: busybox httpd -h /pdf/ -f -v -p 3000

    external: true

Proper way of getting data INTO the volume:

docker cp docker-compose.yml busybox:pdf

Examining the inside of the pdf folder. (busybox uses sh not bash)

docker exec -it busybox /bin/sh

Inside one can:

-h /pdf/ # Sets the home directory of the serving root 

This is a

You can see that the volume was created inside the  docker container structure.

Setting a static ip:

docker run --net mynet --ip -p 3306:3306 --mount source=db,target=/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql:latest

Embedding your tiny server inside your ghost blog is just this easy add a <html> tag with the following:

<center><img src="" alt="Linux Rocks Every Day"> </img></center>
Linux Rocks Every Day

The result is awesome!

Linux Rocks Every Day